Ningyo-Mai (Puppet Dance)– HORI HIROSHI NINGYOMAI –

Hori Hiroshi『Ningyo-Mai (Puppet Dance)』

“Ningyo-Mai” is a stage art originally invented and established by Hori Hiroshi, a puppet artist and dancer.

In this art form, life-size puppets created by Hori himself are used to express a variety of stage performances including drama and dance. The subjects of their performances are diverse, including themes from domestic and foreign plays, original scripts, plays from the classical performing arts such as Noh and Kabuki, folklore and legends, dance works, and operas. Unlike conventional puppet theater, in which puppets perform with each other, the puppets are performed with stage actors, Noh actors, Kyogen & Kabuki performers, dancers, opera singers, Western and Japanese musicians, and other artists from a wide range of genres, pursuing a new artistic field in a life-size form different from Bunraku. The greatest feature of this art form is that the puppets, which are approximately 170 cm in length and weigh 16 to 25 kg, are operated as if they are dancing together with a black-robed Hori, and their detailed emotions are fully expressed with indescribable elegance and dynamism. In the 45-year history of puppet dancing, the majority of the productions have been written and directed by Maiiko Hori*, who also works as a choreographer.

In addition to ordinary theaters and Noh stages, the company has also created beautiful and fantastic theatrical spaces indoors and outdoors, such as the precincts of temples and the keep of old castles, in accordance with the program, and has received high praise through many domestic and international performances.

Hiroshi Hori has created more than 200 life-size dolls to date.

* Maiko Hori, a half German and half Japanese, passed away in 2018. 
Maiko was his wife and wrote and directed Hori’s most of his productions.

Ningyo-Mai (Puppet Dance) “Haru no Dan”
Junichiro Tanizaki, first stage 2002

Ningyo-Mai “Homura” performed at MX TV
XR studio, the first time, July, 2022

From “The Black Lizard”
Edogawa Rampo
by Mishima Yukio, 1990

Hori dances with is puppet “The Black Lizard” with the music of Libertango

From “A Brute’s Love” Edogawa Rampo

Kyoko Mano
Life-size puppet “Kyoko Mano”